Sunday, September 19, 2010


Whoa, I know. 2 blog posts in one day? I must be insane. However, this one is different because I WANT TO POST SOME PRETTY PICTURES!!!!! If I didn't take them, credit will be given. If I don't know, I sincerely apologize and will do my best to find you. FIND YOU! And then give credit where it's due.

This is my sweet kitty. Isn't he cute? I took this
one too.

I took this too. Title: Bacon-slippery when wet.

I took this.

I took this and then turned it into a demotivational poster. Yeah. If someone could come up with a better caption, by all means tell me about it. :D

Xander and Sarah, both looking cute.

So I ended up not putting up as many pictures as I thought I would. And none by other people. Oh well, I'll find more later.

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